Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Terrible Buttons!

played a spectacular show last night at Whitworth U.
if you weren't there, you were indeed square.
i just love these guys.
and their music.
seriously check them out if you haven't already.

the Buttons are:
Kent Ueland- Guitar, Vocals
Ryan Brown- Violin, Melodica
Michael Craviotto- Bass, harmonica
Sarah Berentson- Keys, Vocals
Ben Leavitt- Banjo, Guitar
Kris Hafso- Drums
i feel no need for text today, just dig the photos.

they will be playing again next tueday, april 7 at the empyrean
soooo if you're in or around spokane, be sure to be there.
i know i will be.
here's to you Kent, Mikey, Ben, Sarah, Ryan, and Kris. 
you guys rock.


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