Friday, September 24, 2010

my friend Brent

There are no words for this post.
just a day spent
and a conversation shared
with Brent.
because for some moments in life, there are no words.

and this photo. is my favorite. 

probably of the year.
(click to view larger)
Brent, you are a beautiful soul.
here's to you.
more soon.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Declan Ray!

what a cutie patootie!
Declan is the new baby boy of one of my best friends, miss Katie Pouk
(that was clearly pre-baby D)
born july 18, 7.03 pm (i was there!)
10 lbs 2 oz (what a big boy!)
he's a wonderful boy, a great addition to the family.
he is loved dearly.
one of my new favorite activities is taking him for walks with katie in his strolls
(and she always lets me push him, which i love)
so here's to you big D. 
and here's to you, Katie.
i love you both!

in other news, fall seems to be approaching.
i have been doing lots of shooting.
look for more blaoug posts soon, sorry it's been so long- again!
be well friends.